Results from Tabletop and Computer Baseball Sim replays

World Series Time Machine: 1942

Playing under the shadow of US military participation in World War II for the first time after FDR had issued a “Green Light” letter to the game in January, Paul Waner joined the 3000-hit club, Branch Rickey was named president of the Brooklyn Dodgers, and Babe Ruth took Walter Johnson into the stands at Yankee […]


World Series Time Machine: 2011

During the 2011 baseball season, MLB took over operations of the Dodgers as the franchise teetered on the edge of bankruptcy proceedings, Mariano Rivera became the first pitcher in MLB history to make 1000 appearances with one team, and Tony La Russa became only the second man to manage in 5,000 big-league games. In the […]


Hardball Retro Replays – 1983 Season

I decided to embark on a quest to replay an entire season, managing my favorite team (the California Angels) and using the as-played lineups, rotations, schedules and transactions. Therefore, any injuries or transactions that occurred during the actual season will occur in my simulation (I’m using Digital Diamond Baseball v12.1). All teams are using the […]


World Series Time Machine: 1985

The 1985 baseball season saw Pete Rose (4192 hits), Nolan Ryan (4000 Ks) and Rod Carew (3000 hits) reach legendary milestones, Von Hayes become the first player in MLB history to homer twice in the 1st inning of a game, and Tibetan fireballer Sidd Finch fool the baseball world. In the Fall Classic, the American […]


World Series Time Machine: 1966

  The 1966 baseball calendar saw Ted Williams elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame (despite being left off of twenty ballots!), Willie Mays pass Mel Ott to become the National League’s all-time home run leader and, in one of the most consequential developments for baseball in the second half of the century, the election […]


World Series Time Machine: 2002

The 2002 baseball season saw Shawn Green become the 14th player to hit four home runs in a major-league game (with a record 19 total bases), Mike Bordick set the all-time record for consecutive errorless games and chances by a shortstop, and the sudden, tragic death of pitcher Darryl Kile. In the Fall Classic, the […]
