SABR Games and Simulations virtual meeting – Nate Edwards

April 10, 2025

8 pm EST / 5 pm PST

Our guest speaker is Nate Edwards, a writer whose passion is baseball video games new and old, foreign and domestic. Nate learned how to read Japanese after a chance meeting with an imported PlayStation 3 baseball game, and his website and YouTube channel spread awareness on the many baseball titles that don’t get released in baseball’s homeland. His writing has appeared in Deadspin, The Hardball Times, and an interactive fiction game for PC and mobile called The Fielder’s Choice.

Click here to register in advance for this meeting!


SABR Games and Simulations virtual meeting – Steve Etzel

May 8, 2025

8 pm EST / 5 pm PST

Our guest speaker is Steve Etzel. Steve’s interest in baseball sims began as a teenager when he created two separate baseball games. He spends most of his gaming time analyzing tabletop baseball sims and building spreadsheets to create player cards for sims that are no longer on the market. Check out Steve’s YouTube channel for tabletop game unboxing and analysis videos.

Click here to register in advance for this meeting!




Full Count Baseball – tutorial – create/edit teams

Pro Manager / Major League Manager – tutorial – create/edit teams

Computer Statis Pro Baseball – tutorial – create/edit teams

SSI Computer Baseball – tutorial – create/edit teams


Mike Cieslinski (Dynasty League Baseball Powered by Pursue the Pennant)

February 26, 2025

The guest speaker is Mike Cieslinski, the designer of Dynasty League Baseball Powered by Pursue the Pennant. Dynasty League Baseball resides in the permanent archives of National Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown and received awards for best new sports game by Games Magazine and Top 100 Hobby Game of last 50 years.

Derek Bain and John Racanelli (Hardball Retro’s Compendium of Baseball Video Games and Electronic Handhelds)

January 7, 2025

Co-authors Derek Bain and John Racanelli joined us for a discussion about their recently released book, Hardball Retro’s Compendium of Baseball Video Games and Electronic Handhelds.

Derek Bain is the author of five baseball books and co-chair of the SABR Games and Simulations Committee. John Racanelli is the membership director for the Emil Rothe (Chicago) SABR Chapter, founder and Co-Chair of the SABR Baseball Landmarks Research Committee, and a regular contributor to the SABR Baseball Cards Research Committee blog.

Scott Courlander (Bat Flip & Bat Flip Dynasty)

December 12, 2024

The guest speaker is Scott Courlander, owner and CEO of Scorelander Games. An experienced and long-time fantasy baseball player, Scott designed and published the baseball card games Bat Flip and Bat Flip Dynasty.



DinoMight Baseball

Super Batter Up


About Us

This webpage is run by The Games and Simulations Research Committee of the Society of American Baseball Research (SABR). The Games and Simulations Research Committee was formed in 2010 to explore how various simulation games work, what statistics are generated, and how organized baseball might benefit from strategies and tactics used in such games. The SABR Games and Simulations Committee focuses on the relationship between these entertainments and the sport they are based on—how they mirror baseball, how they effectively further our understanding of how the sport actually works, and how they influence our appreciation of its players, teams, and organizations. This blog, we hope, will provide a forum for explorations and interactions in these matters.

We all share an interest in games based on baseball. We’ve all played them. We enjoyed them. Sometimes the games replayed on our table tops or computers become as compelling as the sport they simulate. The SABR Games and Simulations Committee provides the forum for chronicling, analyzing, and understanding how these games and simulations further our understanding of the sport and why they affect so many fans so profoundly.

We will be generating content documenting baseball gaming in all forms and fashions, including tabletop, fantasy, computer and video/mobile games. If you are interested in contributing an article on a game or your gaming experience, please see our submissions form.


Committee Chairmen

Mark Wendling

I have been a Canadian all my life, lived in Southern Ontario for over 40 years and lived in Northern British Columbia for the past 12 with my wife, three dogs and two kids. The kids have sorta moved out so now I have time for me not having to cart them every where for their sports. I was very active in their sports, coaching, managing, sitting on board of directors, and including being president of one of the organizations. In my spare time, I do my job at the college, teaching business courses utilizing my CPA and my MBA. I actually use simulations in my teaching. I joined SABR in 2019 and thoroughly enjoy the group, although because of where I am being active in a chapter is not possible. Growing up in Canada I have hockey in my blood and have been playing in a simulated hockey league for over 25 years and have been playing in baseball ones for 5 years. I currently am doing some research on a simulation regarding the best franchise ever.

Derek Bain

A lifelong resident of central New Jersey, I enjoy spending quality time with my wife and three children. In my professional life I’ve worked for three local healthcare systems as a server and network administrator over the last 30 years. My hobbies include baseball, statistics, computers and video games along with freshwater fishing. I have authored five books and contributed articles to SeamheadsFangraphs and my site, Baseball Analytics. Follow my HardballRetro channels on Twitch for live-streaming of classic and current baseball video games and view the resulting playthrough videos on YouTube!

If you are a SABR member, you can subscribe for announcements here.

To register for SABR, which will give you access to this committee’s announcements along with membership discounts, access to local SABR chapters and a plethora of baseball-related news and projects, you can sign up here.

Follow us on Twitter at: @sabrbballgaming


We are looking forward to hearing from you. Please feel free to get in touch via the form below, we will get back to you as soon as possible.