Computer Statis Pro Baseball – tutorial – create/edit teams

I created a quick tutorial to discuss how to create and edit teams in Computer Statis Pro Baseball.

Here’s a rundown of the requirements:

  • Computer Statis Pro Baseball – Game Disk
  • optional – Computer Statis Pro Baseball – Team Disks

Computer Statis Pro Baseball was released in 1983 for the Apple ][ and TRS-80 personal computers. The Commodore 64 edition was released in 1984. I’m utilizing the Commodore 64 version in my tutorial, however the menu options and key combinations are fairly standard across platforms.

View the tutorial video here: 

Season Disk Downloads:

coming soon


Statis Pro Baseball (Commodore 64 edition):

*NOTE* – I was unable to get past the intro screen on the link and encountered a similar issue attempting to run this software in the Vice emulator. I edited the “HELLO” file to load the “Master Menu” program instead of the “AH” (Avalon Hill) intro screen. I contacted the Internet Archive to advise them of this workaround. As of 1/23/2025 the fix had not been implemented.

Retro Computer Baseball Game Review – Computer Statis Pro Baseball


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A lifelong resident of central New Jersey, I enjoy spending quality time with my wife and three children. In my professional life I’ve worked for three local healthcare systems as a server and network administrator over the last 30 years. Co-chair of the SABR Games and Simulations Committee ( since August 2022.
My hobbies include baseball, statistics, computers and video games along with freshwater fishing. I have authored five books and contributed articles to Seamheads, Fangraphs and my site, Baseball Analytics. Follow my HardballRetro channels on Twitch for live-streaming of classic and current baseball video games and view the resulting playthrough videos on YouTube!

Visit my Amazon author page to check out my books, promotional videos, and post a review if you're a Hardball Retro fan!

My Books:

Hardball Retro’s Compendium of Baseball Video Games and Electronic Handhelds”,published in September 2024 with co-author John Racanelli, is available in paperback and digital (Kindle) format at 

Hardball Architects – Volume 1 (American League Teams)”,published in July 2020, is available in paperback and digital (Kindle) format at 

Hardball Architects – Volume 2 (National League Teams)”,published in April 2022, is available in paperback and digital (Kindle) format at 

“Hardball Architects” examines the trades, free agent acquisitions, draft picks and other transactions for the 30 Major League Baseball franchises, divided into a 2-volume set (American League and National League). All key moves are scrutinized for every team and Sabermetric principles are applied to the roster construction throughout the lifetime of the organization to encapsulate the hits and misses by front office executives.

Hardball Retroactive”,published in June 2018, is available in paperback and digital (Kindle) format at A cross-section of essays that I penned for along with my Baseball Analytics blog spanning nearly a decade touching on subjects including "Taking the Extra Base", "General Manager Scorecard", "Worst Trades", "BABIP By Location" and "Baseball Birthplaces and the Retro World Baseball Classic". Rediscover your favorite hardball arcade and simulations in "Play Retro Baseball Video Games In Your Browser" or take a deep dive into every franchise's minor league successes and failures in relation to their major league operations in "Minors vs. Majors".

“Hardball Retrospective” is available in paperback and digital (Kindle) format at Statistics, Charts and Graphs along with a discussion forum are offered at In Hardball Retrospective, I placed every ballplayer in the modern era (from 1901-present) on their original teams. Using a variety of advanced statistics and methods, I generated revised standings for each season based entirely on the performance of each team’s “original” players. I discuss every team’s “original” players and seasons at length along with organizational performance with respect to the Amateur Draft (or First-Year Player Draft), amateur free agent signings and other methods of player acquisition. Season standings, WAR and Win Shares totals for the “original” teams are compared against the real-time or “actual” team results to assess each franchise’s scouting, development and general management skills.

Don Daglow (Intellivision World Series Major League Baseball, Earl Weaver Baseball, Tony LaRussa Baseball) contributed the foreword for Hardball Retrospective. The foreword and preview of my book are accessible here

“Hardball Retrospective - Addendum 2014 to 2016”supplements my research for Hardball Retrospective, providing retroactive standings based on Wins Above Replacement (WAR) and Win Shares (WS) for each "original" team over the past three seasons (2014-2016). Team totals from 2010 - 2013 are included for reference purposes. “Addendum” is available in paperback and digital (Kindle) format at 

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